Why recycle cardboard and newspaper?

There is a limit to the amount of times paper and cardboard can be recycled into new paper and cardboard.  As the fibres from the paper break down they become useless for paper and are then made into cardboard.  As the fibres from this break down they become useless for cardboard and are turned into egg boxes…which can be reused or can go into your home compost mix.

What are we doing on Coll?

It costs the council £122.33 for a bank to come back and forth from Tiree

Predictions based on current levels of recycling indicate the council will spend over £2000 for cardboard alone (just to get it to Tiree).

We are seeking to reduce the amount of cardboard and newspaper being sent off island and find ways that we can use it here.

Follow this link to watch a short movie on Coll activities

You can put your newspapers into the general bank at the Middle Pier and at the end of November 2016, Argyll and Bute Council are planning a kerbside collection. Check the council's website for further details.

We shred some of the cardboard that is collected at the middle pier.  These are some of the ways that shredded cardboard is being used on island:

  • as a fire starter
  • in your compost
  • as animal bedding
  • as cat litter
  • as packaging for presentation boxes
  • to make cardboard briquettes

We are selling shredded cardboard from the Old Hall.  

  • You can either come and shred your own cardboard and put in a donation for use of the macine and electricity
  • You can buy bags ready made!
    • 5kg      for £5
    • 2.5kg   for £3
    • sample bags for free

What can I do to get involved?

Try  to make your own briquettes that can be burnt on any type of fire. Please see instructions here.

  • we have some of the briquette makers for people to try out at home.
  • we have some sample briquettes for folk to trial

Come and try out our shredder at the hall…it’s very therapeutic and if you’re shredding newspaper and magazines, you get a chance to have a last look at things before shredding…

Come and buy some shredded materials.