How to make a cardboard/paper briquette…

  • We’ve used brown cardboard, flat cardboard (like for a cereal box) or newspaper.
  • At first we were ripping things up by hand…
  • Then we started using the shredder
  • At a recent workshop, Tim introduced the idea of “paddling” the mixture rather than slowly agitating it over a few days

What you will need……

A paper briquette/log maker, typically around £10 – see on right


What you have to do……

We are currently looking into how to reduce the amount of cardboard that is leaving the island.
Ideas we are thinking about:

  • Encouraging folk to make briquettes
  • Finding a way to make briquettes on a larger scale in a sensible fashion
  • Sell shredded paper for people to make cardboard briquettes at home
  • Offer folk the chance to come and shred their own stuff to take away (for a contribution towards running costs).